With a chill in the air and the nights so long, winter is a season that calls us to turn inwards. It is a time of reflection, pausing and nourishing our spirits.
Holidays are a time of celebration for many — good food, family and friends, past achievements, present greatness and future possibilities — but they can also be a time full of stress.
This year, instead of crazy running around and buying gifts last minute, simplify things and make the holidays special by slowing down and savoring the beauty and meaning of the season. A season of peace, love and joy. It's powerful to show gratitude every day, but December holidays offer an opportunity to reflect on the year behind and to give an extra thanks to everyone who made a difference in your life.
Find the ways that make this season special and focus on those moments. Stay present and choose to be kind, be grateful and let go of what you can not control. Look around and see all the people that you love and care about and show them that, not only through gifts, but through words and actions.
Try your best to manage expectations placed on someone else and keep an open mind and heart as you listen to the thoughts and feelings of others. Also, take a little time to put yourself first and invest in self-care. Don't forget to treat yourself with some relaxing activities and delicious treats too.
We may not all get to celebrate it as we want to, but still we can make the best out of it while snuggling on the couch in our favorite cozy outfit, watching Christmas movies, sipping homemade hot chocolate and just be present, be grateful, be Merry.
We wish you all very Happy Holidays.
With Love,
Ainasana team

Holiday Season - a Season of Peace, Love & Joy
in Journal