As we near the end of Spring, and before you even know it, Summer is here, so let's take a minute to appreciate the gift of time. Here and now.
Mindfulness will bring joy to your life and you can intentionally create more of these moments through your activity choices. Mindfulness is any activity which helps us feel and exist in the present moment.
Here are some tips on how to approach each new day with mindful moments to bring happiness into your life.
Stop and smell the flower
Slow down. Notice what is happening around you. Enjoy the moment as it's happening. Stop and smell the flowers, practice the very act of a generous inhale and exhale. Give yourself a moment to just breathe.
Meditate on an inspiring intention
Sometimes, our minds can get really loud! It races with ideas, thoughts, potential problems, and all the agendas for the day. Relaxing your mind with daily meditation while setting your intentions is a powerful way to proactively create what it is you want.
Focus on your imagination
When you are feeling calm, wrap yourself in imagination. Imagination transforms your thoughts about something into mental images and feelings about that aspiration. This visual task, complements well with some relaxing music.
Make a gratitude list
Gratitude. A feeling of appreciation or thanks. So simple, yet so mighty. Try and find inspiration to get started today. Setting aside time on a daily basis to be grateful for what you have, your past experiences, or valued people in your life, gives you the potential to live a beautiful life of pure joy.
Smile in the mirror
Just another simple act for a cheerful life. Smiling will make you feel better. Every morning, before you leave your home, look at yourself in a mirror, look directly in the eyes, stand tall, and meet yourself with the biggest of smiles. Repeat that daily.